December 11, 2014

Carti postale, felicitari letterpress si...

Intre 15 si 22 decembrie Centrul de Arta MORA organizeaza Targul de Craciun “ Imaginario” cu lucrari si obiecte realizate de artisti special pentru sezonul Sarbatorilor de Iarna.

Va astept intre 12:00 si 21:00 cu felicitari letterpress(tipar inalt) cu Mos Craciun plin de jucarii (la propriu) si carti postale cu creaturi imaginare bizare si colorate care sunt numai bune de trimis celor dragi aflati departe sau de pus sub brad langa cadouri. Si daca totul merge conform planului, cu suporturi de pahare si ornamente de brad leterpress cu Mos Craciun si prietenii sai 

November 26, 2014

Survey+ Animation

A new explainer animation for a service offered by ServeMeBest that I enjoyed working on. Check out Survey+

If you need an animated video for your business don't hesitate to contact me at anghelrazvin[at]

July 3, 2014

Promotion+ Animation

A new "How it works" animation that I made for Promotion+, another service offered by ServeMeBest

If you need an animated video for your business don't hesitate to contact me at anghelrazvin[at]

June 19, 2014


GLÍE, glii, s. f. (Pop.) 1. Pământ, ogor; fig. patrie. ◊ Expr. Sub glie = în mormânt.

Glie is an art installation about the short sightedness and greed of the ones who for personal gain forget that we’ll all return to the dust wherefrom we came no matter how rich we've got during our lifetime. Learning to respect and live in balance with the planet that sustains us would give the future generations the opportunity to return peacefully into the clay perpetuating the circle of life instead of witnessing an apocalyptic end of the humankind.

June 11, 2014

Skotch Bonnit Album Cover

Now that summertime and the heat are here to stay at lest for a few months(not to mention the global warming), enjoy the cool album cover illustration I made for Skotch Bonnit.

May 8, 2014


My submission for April/May loopdeloop theme, RAINBOW

April 25, 2014

Trust+ Animation

Here's another commissioned explainer animation I made, this time for Trust+ a cloud call recording service.

If you need an animated video for your business don't hesitate to contact me at anghelrazvin[at]

March 18, 2014

How light affects the body

Here's an illustration I made for this month's issue (#34) of Lux Magazine to go with an article on how light affects the body.

And here's a colored version of it 

March 5, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

"Spring Has Sprung" is a commissioned illustration that is going to be used as a newsletter headline for an e-commerce company.

January 14, 2014

Burn this house

Alongside the release of his debut single 'Burn this House,' Australian singer/songwriter Mwansa, collaborated with artists all over the world across various mediums and art forms to create works, inspired by the song. The brief was simple - create whatever the music moves you to create.
Here is my piece and the sketch I've done for this collaboration.

You can listen to the song and see a sample of the collection of works here

January 7, 2014


Light from Razvan Anghelache on Vimeo.

My submission for December/January loopdeloop theme, LIGHT. Close your eyes and explore the lights of the world within.

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